You may be wondering what the hell I'm talking about. And no, I'm not going out of my mind.
Joe's Goals is a FREE website set up to help people gain good habits and crack bad ones. The website itself is quite simple, but that's why it is great. It could end up being my savior from procrastinating on the GMAT, among other important aspects that have been pushed aside for the past few months.
Here is a copy of my current goals.
I would recommend checking it out sometime. What do you have to lose?
Now on to some more exciting news. Recently, I was able to speak to Nani Attar, an Alumni / Admissions Officer from IESE, one of the premier MBA schools of Europe and the world. If you have ever thought about going to an international school (away from the United States), IESE has probably popped up on your radar. I haven't personally visited the school, but fell in love with Barcelona itself last summer. But on to my conversation with Nani; it was an amazingly comfortable conversation that could have been mistaken for a conversation with a close friend. If you have questions about the school I would definitely recommend contacting the school directly. They are willing to go out of there way to answer any questions. In fact, Nani gave me an alumni contact in the Seattle area. Overall, a great experience.
Well I'm off to some Seattle rainy weather. Wish me luck!